Monday, October 17, 2022

Is your book a tragedy? Blog Post #2


Can books teach us anything about our leaders today?

*Argue which tragic elements from your new novel and Oedipus Rex are displayed.  

*You may wish to compare and to contrast the 2 books you have read (or should now be reading) using Oedipus as the "perfect" tragedy.
*Does your book display tragic elements?  If so, explain what aspects are (or are not) present:
*What new information have you learned about Sophocles or about tragedy from the REQUIRED database search?  Copy/paste this to the end of your blog posting
*You may incorporate feminism, historical elements, comparison to Shakespearian tragedies, hubris, hamartia, catharsis, or any other tragic elements.  You may also argue that your book has no tragic elements, but be careful to back up with quotes/evidence.
*We should have most of Oedipus covered by now as well, but if we did not finish in class, add in content we have covered most recently.

You may discuss any beginning segments of your new novel, but do not spoil the end of the book (yet).   If you need more tragedy elements, please consult our notes, Sophocles notes, and/or the "pure" definition by Aristotle in these 2 websites here and here. 

Funny pun names based on anything Greek or Oedipus--encouraged :)

For full credit, you MUST have quotations as support of your points from both texts, you MUST show reading and avoid online summary info, you MUST respond to a minimum of 2 posts.  Points will be deducted for those students who wait until the last 12-24 hours, for spelling problems, repeating information already stated, confusing responses, attacking classmates verbally, simply agreeing without saying much of anything, or off-topic commentary.  

------APA documentation must be used----
DATABASES REQUIRED FOR THIS BLOG, but your argument will be judged harshly, so be prepared to defend yourself!

**This blog will end at 11 a.m. on 10/28.  Remember that starting on the last 12-24 hours prior will result in loss of points since your discussion will be limited.

Friday, September 30, 2022

Mental Illness and Leadership: Blog Post #1


Can people with mental illness teach us something new about our American society?

*Argue which work of literature did a better job, your choice book/s or the play and why?

*What new information have you learned after you finished your book?  How did it change your perspective about your character/s?
*You may incorporate feminism, and historical elements to the book you just finished reading--any changes in society in the last 20-30 years in regards to mental illness?
*What did you learn about yourself as well?
*What aspects of your main character show he/she still has leadership qualities, even with this illness.

For full credit, you MUST have quotations as support of your points from both recent texts, you MUST show reading and avoid online summary info, you MUST respond to a minimum of 2 posts.  Points will be deducted for those students who wait until the last 12-24 hours, for spelling problems, repeating information already stated, confusing responses, attacking classmates verbally, simply agreeing without saying much of anything, or off-topic commentary.  

I expect you will have completed your reading, so avoid repeating things you already said during the discussion.

------APA documentation must be used----
DATABASES NOT YET REQUIRED FOR THIS BLOG, but your argument will be judged harshly, so be prepared to defend yourself!

**This blog will end at 8 a.m. on 10/14.  Remember that starting on the last 12-24 hours prior will result in loss of points since your discussion will be limited.